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Questioning, Holistic Thinking and Strategy

My passion is to work with individuals and teams to understand their situation, identify opportunities, formulate a workable plan, and support them in the journey forward.


The process is driven by asking questions, and I have found that in many cases, identifying which questions to ask is instrumental in problem-solving.

As I get older, I have ever greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of situations, people, problems and solutions.

It feels good, in my own way, to follow in the holistic footsteps of my father, who, as a cardiologist, always started a new patient relationship with a two hour personal history interview. This before he even picked up his stethoscope.

So, carrying on a tradition (in a certain sense), I am passionate about healthy and sustainable solutions based in connecting the dots between people, strategy and systems to lead teams to success - to new levels of achievement and satisfaction.


  • Researched and authored a white paper for the University of Adelaide on economic ties between South Australia and China; it became a precursor for the state’s China strategy

  • Drafted numerous indigenous tourism strategies and assessments for various clients including Tourism Australia, the South Australian State Tourism Commission and Indigenous Business Australia

  • Completed business health reviews for various companies in manufacturing, distribution, project management, construction services, and event services in Australia and China

  • Over the years, I have made business turnaround my specialty, working with teams (as leader, external advisor and interim manager) to take a quantum leap in performance.

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