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Flexibility & Ability to Catalyse Diversity
into Strategic Strength

I feel comfortable in and enjoy diverse and cross-cultural situations requiring emotional and business intelligence, because they have the powerful potential of individual elements cemented together by consensus and shared goals.

This realisation and flexibility comes from a career that has taken me on project and long-term assignments to Europe, Australasia, and the Americas. This includes seven years in Greater China in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong.

I have worked with and for a wide range of industries, from specialty services to distribution to tourism to media to gourmet food & wine to architectural products and security systems and furniture to biofuels, industrial equipment and chemicals.

And I have also been fortunate to work with and for all sizes of organisations - from sole traders to some of the largest global companies.


  • Chaired management team (women & men from five nationalities) of a mid-size equipment manufacturer, mentoring and developing team members to be able to attain ambitious profitability & market share goals

  • Led cross-functional (and multicultural) feasibility project team to construct a manufacturing facility (USD 300 million) in Southeast Asia for a German chemicals conglomerate

  • Founded an educational and fundraising wine tasting group in China, which attracted regular attendance by individuals from the highly diverse expatriate community

  • Extensive experience in general management, marketing and sales leadership roles in Europe, the Americas and Asia for major global companies 

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